What’s new and good? Go ahead and drop me a line and let me know.
Also know that using that phrase to start conversations shifts the energy to a more uplifting focus. The brain is a search engine. If you ask someone “what sucks in your world?”, you will get a litany of complaints. Sometimes asking the age-old “what’s new” gives you the same.
Instead ask "what's new and good" or “what is lighting you up these days?”, and notice how much better you both feel. This tactic is always a great tool, and especially this week if you are chatting with Negative Ned or Nellie over turkey and pie. What’s new and good?
A whole lot of good is happening here.
Quantum Healing weekend with Matt Schmidt was fantastic. Of course.
Mediation Mondays are wonderful every single week. A large group, a small group, it is always perfect. Peaceful. Blissful. Relaxing. Uplifting. This week we may have a fire in the fireplace as the weather is supposed to cool a bit. Cozy! I love this time of year. I love every time of year.
815 Mommas group will be here Tuesday Nov 27 as well for sweet sacred circle time.
Intuitive Tuesday = off the charts powerful and moving and fun! Oh my heart, we have a blast. Next one is Dec 5.
I have been filling my cup with all kinds of goodness. [I just wrote a big long thing and deleted it. Who has time to read long emails this week?!]
One thing I will share that is new and good is that I am now a certified practitioner in Access Bars. Access Bars are 32 points on your head that are gently touched to effortlessly and easily release the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions that have held you back in one way or another.
I am offering a few sessions for free so I can practice. If you are interested, hit me up!
Similar to other energy healing sessions like Reiki, you will lie face up on the massage table, fully clothed. I gently hold specific points on your head. What happens for you? Relaxation. Stress relief. Pain relief. Increased energy and creativity. Negative thought patterns can be released, patterns that have been stored in you for a very long time.
Depending on your desires, we can do a healing session that also incorporates guided visualization, EFT, and other tools and techniques. If you have mental, emotional or physical pain, let’s release it with love. And ease.
Ahhhh……It’s time.
Much love,
