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Blue Skies

Kelly JOY, Curator & Facilitator

JOIN US in beautiful, magical, wondrous ascension.


Intutitive Soul Coach + Ascension Guide

Oracle + Scribe Channel for Saint Genevieve, Jafir, First Visitor (Pleiadian), The Arcs, and others.


"Kelly is a DEEP LISTENER! She is all ears and all heart."


Kelly has worn a lot of labels - writer, speaker, listener, teacher, mentor, author, biz coach, book coach, life coach, spiritual coach, oracle, channel; all wonderful labels, for sure. But we are more than our labels.


What are we? Who are we really?


A soul.


We are Source Energy Beings experiencing life on earth in a physical body. So simple. And yet, … not.


How to navigate life and fully enjoy this human experience with all its ups and downs while also always remembering we are an eternal soul is the name of the game. This life is meant to be a joy ride, full of living, learning, and feeling ALL the feels. To know our divinity AND remain grounded in the human.



"When I felt the divine pull to start my next project, I intuitively knew exactly who to reach out to. Kelly Simmons.

She had been my coach years ago and we worked well together. 


Our first call was deep and profound and connected. This beautiful, spiritual woman was exactly the guide I needed.


When she looked at me and listened to me, she saw, heard and felt all of me. She looked within and I knew saw my Soul. Kelly was the mentor, coach, and trusted guide to help me birth what my Soul now felt called to create.


I am so grateful. She continually reminded me who I was. Kelly encouraged me to do what I felt inspired to do and also be gentle with myself. She knew much of this was going to be channeled from a higher source. Kelly knew we could trust the divine every step of the way, and she was there to keep me balanced in head and heart.


I could not have done this without her and I am eternally grateful for all she has brought into my life spiritually, emotionally, and mentally."

Julie Flippin, The True Quest


Kelly's (partial) background:

"A former IRS agent turned agent of JOY." 


Accounting degree, English degree, Religious Studies degree. The resume also includes: writing a weekly newspaper column for nearly two decades; weekly blog + email Joy Letter for a dozen years; ghostwriter of 30+ books, some for NY Times bestselling authors, one that sold 3 million copies; editor/book coach for hundreds of people via workshops, online courses + one-on-one clients.


Plus life coach/spirtual coach/oracle/scribe channel; ran the non-profit Happiness Club for 5 years; spoke to audiences across the country on topics from joy to writing to marketing; held workshops, retreats, private sessions. 


Then called by Spirit to let go. Of everything. Everything. Blogs, websites, speaking gigs, teaching, coaching, 40 domain names (!). A couple of years were spent in reflection, introspection, shedding. Releasing and letting go of identity. 


Now the message from Spirit is to gather and uplift. Encourage.

Explore, express, experience. EXPAND.

Help others do the same.

That is why we have birthed Access SOUL. That is why we gather.


When we access our soul, we know our Self and Spirit. We navigate life differently. We see each other as equal eternal fellow souls on the journey. And that changes everything.

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