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Creativity Will Save the World


Last Friday's Open Mic Night was uplifting and inspiring. We had a great turnout and there were many who took the stage for the first time. Poetry, music, lyrics, and story connect us at soul level. When we do that, magic happens. Next Open Mic at Inscape in Rockford is Friday, June 14. Please join us, whether on stage or in the audience, we all contribute to the high vibe energy.


Christopher Sims, the main man and driving force, tasked me to present a poem so I jotted a quick little something last week. It feels good to dip a toe back into creative writing.


What If

Poetry ain’t for the faint of heart

too much pressure to create great art

But what if just a line or two

strikes a chord for me – or you


What if I dare reveal tender parts of me

wouldn’t that help all of us feel a little more free

Our souls crave to feel alive

so why is it we so often hide?


What if each of us here can feel a little more brave

Maybe it’s not just us we save

Perhaps poetry shows Everyone their worth

and the ripple is felt all across Planet Earth


What if playing with song and verse

expands the whole Universe

Hugs and handshakes are now real and warm and true,

And we convey “I hear you, I see you, I feel you.” Yeah, ME TOO.

A deeper meeting and greeting

The connection no longer fleeting


Poetry rattles the bones of calamity

And brings us back to our shared humanity

Ancient judgements and fears come undone

Finally, we realize WE ARE ALL ONE.


What if.



Much love,


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