My gorgeous-inside-and-out Aunt Renee (she is only a few years older than me, my mom’s baby sister) is sharing her own healing journey of facial paralysis in a new book The Hunt For My Smile. Renee’s essay, “Symmetry is Overrated,” describes how she ultimately found deeper confidence and self-acceptance living with incurable facial palsy. (She had Bell’s Palsy which then morphed into something more.) Renee says, “I felt the same inside and sometimes even forgot about my lopsided face. But that first trip to the grocery store made it clear to me that my approachable and friendly face was gone. I wanted to shout, “I’m me! I’m still the same!’”
I want to share more– but you have to get the book! Read Renee’s story and the other authors who have much hard-earned wisdom to inspire us all, no matter what circumstances we face.
Renee has allowed me to post pics. The day after her face "melted" and Renee now. Get the book. Renee Hacker and all the authors thank you.