April 29 is the twelfth wedding anniversary for Will and Kate, Prince and Princess of Wales. I know that, not because I’m a Royal Watcher, but because twelve years ago I was planning MY wedding and they got all the press. ;-D
My wedding date to my prince is May 1. A dozen years already! We married, with immediate family present, at the labyrinth at Womanspace. We walked through the small woods to the clearing with the labyrinth. Two hawks circled over our ceremony. T’was magical. Womanspace is a vendor at our Mind Body Spirit Expo.
We had a dance party that night to celebrate with LOTS of our loveys. (I will dig out pics later this week, our shirts lit up and danced to the music too.) The hall we rented is the IBEW Hall, which happens to be the venue for our Mind Body Spirit Expo Saturday, April 29. How fun is that. And Will and Kate, to celebrate their anniversary, are coming to Rockford for our expo. (HA! They want to, but their schedules won’t fit us in.)
I hope to see you Saturday, at the IBEW Hall. We can dance if you want. It just occurred to me right now that I should have arranged for cake. Oh well. This is a party of a different kind, with 66 fab folks showering us all with love.
More stories to come. (Since my mind is on the Royals, did I ever tell you that I met Charles and Diana in July 1985 at Wembley in London at the Live Aid concert? If a wave to the crowd counts as meeting them, then I have met royalty!)
Have a lovely weekend. I do not know what we are doing for our anniversary on Monday (it’s a surprise). Since it’s a dozen years, I think we should get donuts.
Peace out.
Much love,
