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Ring in the true, ring out the false

Hello Beautiful You!


Ring out the false. Ring in the true. Alfred Tennyson was on to something way back then. Ring in the true. Not just as you blow a party horn and toast to a new affirmation. Every day. LIVE what is true for you NOW. Ring out/wring out the old old old false gunk that no longer applies to this version of you.


It's a daily awareness. Tune in to what feels true for YOU and follow that compass. Baby steps and leaps.


If you want an assist in letting go of old beliefs and thought patterns, I practice a modality now called "Access Bars." I gently touch various points on your head while you relax on the warm cozy massage table. Results = deep relaxation to euphoria, and you are able to be more of your true self going forward. Booking info will be on the website soon. For now, reply to this email and we will set up a session. One hour. Introductory price $60.


Testimonials include: "Euphoric! Mind altering! So many good things came out of the session, it's indescribable the feeling afterwards. I love it and am so grateful! Definitely will keep this practice routinely in my life!"


"The next day I was in a really good mood; things came up that would have triggered me and were fairly easy now to let go of. Things I would have stewed on, within a matter of minutes I could easily forget them. I feel really light."


"I felt the energy shift in me. I’ve been feeling confident and capable and overall a joy I haven’t felt in a very long time.This overwhelming amount of joy. Like a weight had been lifted. My husband even notices the change in my demeanor as I’m smiling more and being my goofy self again!"


In other news, the Access SOUL Mind Body Spirit EXPO, now under the helm of Holistic Health Fairs, will be Sunday, March 24 at the IBEW Hall in Rockford again. If you or someone you know wants to be a vendor, sign up now:


I absolutely LOVED creating and organizing that event last year. My life opened up in all kinds of crazy good ways. And I am grateful to pass the baton to an experienced event organizer!


We continue to host MEDITATION MONDAYS every week. INTUITIVE TUESDAYS are once a month, a total blast and I highly encourage you to join us.


MORE is coming. Always, right? That is life!


A quick favor: If you have experienced a bit of betterment in your life due to coming to our gatherings or events, working with me in some form, or even receiving these occasional emails, please jot a quick review and email it on over. THANK YOU!


See you soon! 

Peace and love,


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