“Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.” ~Author Unknown Greetings Super Cute You! I’m so glad I followed the nudge to send out the “Just for today” email. SO MANY OF YOU replied back. Every time I opened an email responding to that love letter, I re-read the “Just for Today” lines to myself. It has been good to repeat to myself again and again. (Gonna print it out and put on the fridge.) "The heart has reasons that reason does not understand." ~ Jacques Benigne Bossuel For sure, my life has not followed “reason” or logic or conventional wisdom. THANK GOODNESS! It now feels once again like something more is birthing, just starting to peek out, and it feels like it is going to be totally unreasonable! I can’t wait to find out! I do know creating this expo has been part of the path for whatever is emerging next. "Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart." ~ Carl Jung My morning journal time is getting more and more mystical and magical. I will continue to share nuggets from time to time. I will keep following my nudges and you do the same. What a wonderful world it will be. Right now, I feel like asking you a favor. Please go to the Vendor listing page on AccessSOUL and read each vendor name. Send them love and encouragement and gratitude. Then take one more moment and send love and encouragement and gratitude to every single person who receives these emails. These love letters go out to thousands, but you can send love to all in just ten seconds! Let’s wrap everyone in love. Humor me a little bit more. Close your eyes and feel the love being sent out to you. Talk soon.
Much love,