I say a prayer for today
That all is calm all is well
That peace within is not just on a Sunday
That goodwill toward all men is not just a holiday season
I say a prayer for today
That we all feel the courage to be kind
To find compassion
That empathy speaks louder than words
I say a prayer for today
That we open ourselves to our creativity
To our expression
Bold and beautiful
In all the ways it wants to pour forth
I say a prayer for today
That we are strong in our convictions
And gentle in our ways of living them
I say a prayer for today
That we sit and watch the birds
And listen to the leaves rustle
And we smell the trees and the air and the water
I say a prayer for today
That we smile more, laugh more, pause more, reflect more, touch more
I say a prayer for today
That we are free with our compliments
Sincere in our word and deed
And willing to see the good in all
And feel the blessings that they are
I say a prayer for today
That we realize that every stepping stone on the path to HERE was perfect
I say a prayer for today
That we loosen up, lighten up, relax and breathe
Life is not a chore, a series of tests, or a mountain to climb
I say a prayer for today
That we live from an inner well of endless encouragement
That we knock off the dried-over crust of mud on our hearts and feel the beauty,
The internal rhythm
To guide our steps
The voice of love
Strong and true
Saying I GOT YOU
I say a prayer for today
That the weight is lifted
Lightness of being returns
Life is a playground
A place of exploration
No pressure, only curiosity
I say a prayer for today
That we each follow our spiritual breadcrumbs
Delighting in joy after joy
Sweet. Simple. Pure.
I say a prayer for today
That each morning
I say a prayer for today.
Much love,
Tues, Oct 1, 6:30-8pm https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1024288844507
First Tuesday each month. Increase trust in your intuition and guidance
Tues, OCT 8, 6:30 – 8pm https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1024304822297
Monthly 2nd Tuesday. Conversation, connection, + deeper knowledge into deep topics
If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.
-Meister Eckhart
