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Follow Spirit without hesitation

I’m usually pretty in tune with following where Spirit leads, but sometimes I doubt or overthink or second guess or just plain put on my brakes on and say uh-uh.

My renewed focus is to follow without hesitation. Which is what we just did. Today’s story is long, but then again, short and simple: We are moving again!

The move was not planned or expected. It’s a local move, still Roscoe. We love our current home and all the magic that has happened here. So why move? The only “logical” reason I can give is better yard, better parking, and more deer. 😊

There is no logic when following Spirit.

We haven’t had a chance to really tell anyone. Everything happened so fast. I’ll elaborate more on some of the serendipity details another time. I just shake my head in wonder and say, okay, thank you! End of July will be a new address (8484).

As with all our moving stories, this one includes synchronicity, abundance, ease, flow, and just a quiet knowing that yep, this is the next sanctuary.


My meditation and journal time these past several months has been chockfull of messages, and I still have not connected all the dots. I do know something higher is emerging (and I have told Spirit that I don’t have to move houses every time I’m birthing anew!). But I feel calm and ready for whatever reveals in my life/my growth.

In other related news, many months ago, Rock Valley College Community Ed asked if I was interested in offering Mind Body Soul awareness programs. Another long story short, summer schedule was due last January. I do not schedule myself much into the future anymore, so this was an interesting task. I decided to offer Meditation Mondays at the college for July and August. Which of course now lines up swell with me packing up in July and setting up new home in August. Who knew?! Not me.

I have also been connecting many new instructors with the college to create a plethora of Mind Body Soul programming for the FALL semester. The course catalog for Fall had a deadline of first week of May. Spirit was speaking to me loud and clear that I would not be offering anything. Does that make sense? No. But I bet it will come Fall.

For today, I just breathe.

Peace all over all of us.

Much love,


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