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Honor all the women you have been

make peace

with all the women

you once were


lay flowers

at their feet


offer them incense

and honey

and forgiveness


honor them

and give them

your silence




bless them

and let them be.


for they are the bones

of the temple

you sit in now.


for they are

the rivers

of wisdom

leading you toward

the sea.


//i have been a thousand different women

By Emory Hall


Oh my heart.

I do believe poetry voices our soul, connects us, saves us, blesses us, unites us, moves us to be the truest versions of ourselves.


I honor all the women I have been, the bones of the temple I sit in now.


My temple bones have been forged and hewned and tended and loved, and sometimes not so loved, for nearly six decades. And I have made peace, and perhaps do so daily. The woman I was yesterday is not the same as the one typing this right now.


I am overwhelmed with gratitude.


One of the places/spaces/communities that I discovered at a pivotal point in my journey in the river of wisdom is WOMANSPACE. If you know Womanspace, you know what I mean. If you don't, get yourself to 3333 Maria Linden Dr, Rockford, IL. Walk the labyrinth. Enjoy the gardens. Peruse for all the offerings.


Long long long story short, when I moved back to the area in 2006 after a year in France with the then-husband and my sons, I was not ready to return to Rockford. After living in cultural and spiritual diversity in Europe and blooming into new versions of myself, returning to what I thought was a close-minded town was hard. Finding Womanspace made me realize there are many intelligent loving spiritual perspectives right here.


Glory be.


I recently sent in this email missive a call for people to offer Mind Body Spirit programs, courses, and workshops at the local community college. Womanspace has been doing that since its inception in 1975, and YES they want your programs too! OF COURSE! You can offer your goodness at Womanspace AND the college AND any other lovely places that call to your heart! PLEASE DO! The more the love is spread all across the land, and certainly this pocket, the better.


Reach out to Joy and Nicole at Womanspace, the program coordinators. We need you, all ages and perspectives and offerings, to share your wisdom, and despite the name, MEN are part of Womanspace too. BLOOM FEST is Saturday, May 11, and artisan vendor applications are still open. Take a gander:


With a heart overflowing with love and possibilities, I send you virtual hugs.


Much love,


A few snippets of me at Womanspace....

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